Stockhorn, 2190 m**

Sunday 28 September

A day to discover the Stockhorn region, with its limestone formations and idyllic lakes — and a view of over 200 mountain peaks from the summit at 2190 m.

Total walking time is about 4h15, with about 700 m of up and down.

Price per person: CHF 65 (excluding transport)

This hike can be conveniently combined with that programmed for Saturday 27 September by spending the Saturday night in Spiez. For those who would like, I will organize a dinner together on Saturday evening.

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For cancellations after 20.00 on the Thursday before the day hike, I will need to charge 65 francs for the day. Thanks for your understanding!

Multi-day tours: please visit the Multi-day tours page and complete the form for your chosen tour.

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